Membership in the Georgia Division of the International Association for Identification offers individuals working in identification and forensic fields, and their agencies an opportunity to shape the future of science in the field of identification and forensic sciences. This is accomplished through sound education, leadership, and communication between peers and members.


Membership Benefits

All members gain a unique opportunity to network with other forensic science and crime scene professionals. Members have exclusive access to four (4) in-service training each year to further their education. Members also have exclusive access to a group Forum where members can ask questions of various experts in real-time.

Annual Membership dues are $30.00

The following are the classifications of membership:

Active Membership

Heads of Bureaus of Identification or Investigations (Including Persons under their supervision who are engaged in the science of identification), heads of Police Departments, Chiefs of Detectives and Sheriffs, provided however, that the foregoing persons are bona fide employees of, and who receive salaries from National, State, County, or municipal governments, or some subdivision thereof.

Life Active Membership

Members with 25 years of Active membership or a member who is honorably retired and on a fixed income with a minimum of 10 years membership in the Division and who are at least 55 years of age.

Associate Membership

Reputable persons, wholly or partially engaged any of the various phases of the science of identification, and who are not qualified for Active Membership. They shall in all respects, be subject to the same rights and privileges as Active Members, except that they shall not be entitles to the office of Vide President or President.

Honorary Membership

Persons who have performed some particular service for the Division or who have in some way done some conspicuous thing for law enforcement. Such person or persons, upon motion of any member in good standing, may be elected by the Board of Directors or by the Division at the Annual Educational Seminar to Honorary Membership for one year and be excused from the payment of dues and assessments. They shall not be eligible to vote or hold office. The Board of Directors shall be empowered to grant Honorary membership to any person residing in a non-adjacent State who would otherwise qualify for membership.

Life Honorary Membership

Persons who have performed some particular service for the Division or who have in some way done some conspicuous thing for law enforecement. Such person or persons, upon motion of any member in good standing, may be elected by the Board of Directors or by the Division at the Annual Educational Seminar to Life Honorary membership and be excused from the payment of dues and assessments. They shall not be eligible to vote or hold office.

Corporate Membership

Entities, which are wholly or partially engaged in the business of forensic identification. Membership may be granted to such entities as may be selected by the Board of Directors. Corporate members shall not be eligible to vote or hold office.